

Staff member

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Latest my posts Fill my Pussy 10 Saved and 1 Fresh Shit

The best quality video is divided into 2 parts. Full compressed version is also available (1hour)
I collected these 10 servings of shit for a long time, you can look at it here :
3 Shit for Freeze

3 Shit for Freeze - ScatShop

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File Name : Part1148.10Saved1Fresh-1.mp4
File Size : 1971.59 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:29:52
Video : AVC, 9 026 kb/s, 29.970 FPS
Audio : AAC, 192 kb/s (CBR), 44.1 kHz, 2 channels, 1 stream

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Part1148.10Saved1Fresh-1.mp4 - 1.9 GB


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Latest my posts Mommys duty

lm getting ready to take a shower and lm wrapped in a towel.l come into your room because l cant find the laundry basket to put my dirty clothes in. l ask you- have you seen the laundry basket? Its not out here where it usually is.
Youre kind of behind the bed so l cant really see what youre doing.You dont answer me so l say: Hello Didnt you hear me? Do you have the laundry basket in here? Im getting ready to take a shower.
And l come and look and l find that Iyoure looking through the laundry basket and youre sniffing my dirty panties and jerking off.
lm so surprised that my towel falls off and lm kind of nervous trying to cover up your body.
You re smelling your moms dirty panties and jerking off? Youre smelling my panties that I was wearing all day long My panties that are all dirty and crusty? That I was farting in all day long Thats gross
Does that make your dick hard? Do you like smelling your moms dirty panties and shooting cum all over them? Is this what you do while Im in the shower? Do you want to smell my ass that bad?
Do you really want to know what your moms ass smells like? Do you want to see your mom fart? To smell my ass while I fart? And you drop the towel and turn around and spread your ass cheeks and tell me that Its okay.
So l keep farting and l tell you to stick your tongue on my asshole so you can feel it vibrate when l fart. So you can really taste it. I want to see you jerking your cock while Im farting
So l keep farting and tell you that you know l can make you cum if l sit on my cock and wrap my ass cheeks around your cock and fart while rubbing back and forth. Are you ready to cum?
And l tell me you to steal your panties anymore. That lll be more than happy to fart on your cock whenever you need to cum.
File Name : 20112018farts.mp4
File Size : 738.02 MB
Resolution : 1280x720
Duration : 00:12:40
Video : AVC, 8 010 kb/s, 25.000 FPS
Audio : AAC, 128 kb/s (CBR), 48.0 kHz, 2 channels, 1 stream

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20112018farts.mp4 - 738.0 MB


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All my threads
Latest my posts Kinky Lisa Shits and Pukes Again

After some foot worship Kinky Lisa climb up a table and orders the slave to lay down under her ass. Then she shits a huge susage in slaves mouth. She gives him also some puke as a desart.
File Name : kinkylisa_2015kaka02.wmv
File Size : 431.82 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:11:32
Video : VC-1, 5 000 kb/s, 25.000 FPS
Audio : WMA, 192 kb/s (CBR), 48.0 kHz, 2 channels, 1 stream

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kinkylisa_2015kaka02.wmv - 431.8 MB


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Latest my posts Panty pooping Severe constipation and Struggle with rock solid shit

Ive been holding my poop for 4 days cause Ive been waiting for you to witness me taking a shit. Ive got a surprise for you: I want you to watch me poop in my white panties. Ive been holding it for so long that it doesnt want to come out I want to make my body understand that now is the time to let that poop come out. I have to move my body and relax I walk a bit, move sensually, tease you by showing you under my skirt before to take it off.
Does it make you horny? How much you want to see me poop in those panties and make them dirty? I can feel my poop inside, it is slowly going down. I take off my shirt. I feel like its going to be a very hard log. I come closer to the camera and start pushing. This shit is rock hard You can hear me moan and grunt as I push, push, push Finally some shit comes out, creating a bump in my panties. There is still more I use my hand to feel my shit, it is incredibly hard My asshole is still wide open and there is a piece of shit halfway out. I continue pushing and you can see the bump moving as I push, but that damn piece of shit doesnt want to come out. I push, push, push again until that rock hard shit finally comes out of my tight asshole. Wow I really felt like I gave birth to my shit, it was so hard to make it come out
I tease you by showing you the bump my shit has created. I go closer and farther to the camera in multiple positions. I stand up and walk a bit and move my dirty ass. I love knowing that you are stroking your cock to my dirty panties right now I feel the bump with my hands and comment on how hard it is. Then I decide to sit on the bar stool and try to squish the shit all over my panties by humping the chair. But believe it or not, that shit is so hard that even after putting all my weight on it, it kept its original shape It actually feels like Im sitting on something really really hard just like your dick I stand up and tease you with my dirty panties again. I touch the bump and you can see the rock hard pieces through the fabric. Incredible
I want you to cum for my pooped filled panties Do you want me to remove my panties? I take them off and show you my dirty asscheeks. I show you my shit and the inside of my panties from a closer angle and then tease you with my dirty ass. Dont you wanna put your cock in my dirty asshole right now? I also show you my very hard poop from a closer angle.
I also added an extra scene: it is a short video with a close-up view of my poop and dirty panties.
(If you are wondering why that clip is so long, maybe its because I had too much fun doing it and I didnt see the time pass. The shitting part also lasts 12 minutes I struggled a lot to make that shit come out I hope youll like the clip. It was my first ever panty pooping vid. I would love to have some reviews so I can improve for next time)
You might also like these videos (copypaste these titles in the seach bar or visit my store to find them):
- First time pooping in my pants
- Chicken Dine and Dump Very Constipated
- Pov Pooping Very Constipated Bloody Asshole
File Name : DIRTYMARYAN20160302MVI4590PantypoopingExtrascene.mp4
File Size : 77.52 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:01:21
Video : AVC, 7 665 kb/s, 24.000 FPS
Audio : AAC, 317 kb/s (VBR), 48.0 kHz, 2 channels, 1 stream

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DIRTYMARYAN20160302MVI4590PantypoopingExtrascene.mp4 - 77.5 MB


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All my threads
Latest my posts The Looser P2

Lady Missy gives the command to the slave to swallow their shit. As he is still doing, Mistress Michelle comes and pee and shit into the mouth of the slave. The toilet slave begins to chew the pile which is slightly larger while Mistress Michelle is bringing a new pile from the toilet bowl and stuffs the crap without mercy into his slaves mouth.
File Name : the_loser_p2_hd.mp4
File Size : 301.15 MB
Resolution : 1280x720
Duration : 00:11:55
Video : AVC, 3 369 kb/s, 25.000 FPS
Audio : AAC, 157 kb/s (VBR), 48.0 kHz, 2 channels, 1 stream

Download VIDEO:
the_loser_p2_hd.mp4 - 301.1 MB


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All my threads
Latest my posts Roxys first shit

Princess Roxy is a friend of lady Lisa. She is shiting today for the first time in front of a cam. Lisa helps her with some comants, she also spits in a bowl where Roxy shits and piss. Princess Roxy feeds the slave with her shit using a spoon.
File Name : roxy_scat.wmv
File Size : 376.52 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:10:02
Video : VC-1, 5 000 kb/s, 25.000 FPS
Audio : WMA, 192 kb/s (CBR), 48.0 kHz, 2 channels, 1 stream

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roxy_scat.wmv - 376.5 MB


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All my threads
Latest my posts dirty lesbian play with new toys

My friend Denise, brought new toys and that we must try..Look at me as she is fucking strap-on dildo, I did not know that she is the dominant type
File Name : scatshop59.mp4
File Size : 1477.62 MB
Resolution : 1280x720
Duration : 00:23:41
Video : AVC, 8 588 kb/s, 29.970 (29970/1000) FPS
Audio : AAC, 128 kb/s (CBR), 48.0 kHz, 2 channels, 1 stream

Download VIDEO:
scatshop59.mp4 - 1.4 GB


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Latest my posts mysterious game in white mask

I like to invent new things and today I thought of the game in a white mask.I put on a white pantyhose, then a white leggings and white shoes.A dominant is the white mask on my face.In the first step, a lot of piss into a glass of wine, then Ill drink and poured over his body. It is very enjoyable and excitinI am excited and comes with a shit game.Warm shit in my nylons be spread on my ass, I feel the smell and taste I have my shit.Smearing shit on my face and put on the mask again, beautiful aromaExcitement is strong and I have to ask my cameraman on assistance to.
File Name : scatshop33.mp4
File Size : 1228.76 MB
Resolution : 1280x720
Duration : 00:18:04
Video : AVC, 9 366 kb/s, 29.970 (29970/1000) FPS
Audio : AAC, 128 kb/s (CBR), 48.0 kHz, 2 channels, 1 stream

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scatshop33.mp4 - 1.2 GB


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Latest my posts Eat my shit as punishment for disobedience

Whats that? Why are you sitting down and shit in my favorite toilet? Dont we have regular toilet? I let you take a shit in it a couple of times, so youre totally relaxed. You cant be left alone for a minute. Began to play with pussy without asking. Ill teach you how to behave, you will be punished. Get on your knees, ass up, Ill flog you. Your ass will be in a stripe. You will know that in my house need to ask permission from the Mistress for everything. That youre squirming like an eel, expose your ass out or itll get worse. Lie down on the floor, Ill shit in your mouth. Forgotten who are you, now I will remind. You my living toilet, toilet bowl for me. I will shit in your mouth every day instead of toilet slaves and you will eat my shit all the time. Yes, you have mouth full of shit, hold it in your mouth, let it melt and flows down your throat. Get on the bench, Ill fuck you in the ass. What do you mean dont? Tolerate, youre slave girl you must endure everything. Say thank you that I still greased your hole. And now suck, you will learn to do deep blowjob with shit. Youre wafer, cocksucker, youre going learn to take dick in your throat and swallow the shit that he pushes into you. Suck, lick better or should I take the whip again? Good toilet girl, ate my shit enough, and now go washing. Heres a kick to speed you
File Name : Eat-my-shit-as-punishment-for-disobedience.....mp4
File Size : 1400.16 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:16:51
Video : AVC, 11.4 Mb/s, 25.000 FPS
Audio : AAC, 192 kb/s (VBR), 48.0 kHz, 2 channels, 1 stream

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Eat-my-shit-as-punishment-for-disobedience.....mp4 - 1.4 GB


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Latest my posts Warm Piss PlaySolo Golden ShowerJOI

Do you have pee fetish? Also like receving some jerk off instructions at the same time? Good. At the beginning I really badly had to pee. Almost missed to turn on the camera. Wearing a red satin underwear on but quickly removed and telling you need to pee right now. I take 1 of a glass and filling up, then take the other and filling up as well with my warm pee. Still have to pee but no more glass at my hands close. But I know how much you love watching me peeing and it is turning you on. Even turn on more to play with? I give you slight jerk off instructions and much more encouragement stroke your hard dick. First shyly put my fingers into my pee then let the drops dripping down on my tits. You are hungry for more? See well on your face and hard dick you wanna feel my pee on your dick. Ok. I start to pour all over on my tits and chest, abs then on my perfect ass. I got messy and shiny. While pouring my warm pee till its all gone from the glasses talking sexy to you and tempting with my wet body. I fill up the glass once again and pouring all of them on my ass in doggy. Before ending I need to pee a bit of more and get half glass of and before I use it all tell you about to cum and give 5 sec cum countdown. Where you wanna cum on my wet and shiny body? Also soak the satin panty in pee because floor get messy from and press out the rest of wetness few times from pants.
File Name : DSCN0836-4.mp4
File Size : 1282.68 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:17:41
Video : AVC, 9 999 kb/s, 30.000 FPS
Audio : AAC, 132 kb/s (CBR), 44.1 kHz, 2 channels, 1 stream

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DSCN0836-4.mp4 - 1.3 GB