
"Walkabout" is the fourth episode of the first season of the American drama television series Lost. The episode was directed by Jack Bender and written by David Fury. It first aired on ABC in the United States on October 13, 2004.
The episode centers on the character of John Locke (Terry O'Quinn), who in flashbacks is revealed, in one of the first plot twists of the show, to be paralyzed from the waist down as he attempts to join a walkabout tour. On the present day events, Locke leads a hunting mission after the wild boar in the jungle as the food supplies of the Oceanic 815 survivors starts to shorten, while other survivors decide to burn the plane's fuselage.
John Locke's backstory was conceived during the writing of the previous episode, "Tabula Rasa", and director Jack Bender decided to shoot the flashbacks in a way that enhanced the contrast between Locke's life before and after the crash. Problems involving the usage of real boar caused the producers to use computer-generated replacements and shots that suggested the animals' presence. "Walkabout" was watched by 18.16 million people and was reviewed positively, later being considered one of the show's best episodes.

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