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Wentworth Park is a Canadian urban park located in the community of Sydney, part of Nova Scotia's Cape Breton Regional Municipality. The park was created in 1786 (1786), just a year after Sydney's founding, making it the oldest of Sydney's parks. Wentworth Park incorporates the Kiwanis Bandshell, a playground, fountains, and a splash pad, as well as a 1.2 kilometres (0.75 mi) network of paved paths surrounding the park's ponds and flower beds.
The park centres around Wentworth Creek, which forms a series of interconnected ponds. The park encompass 14.5 acres (5.9 ha) within the former city's boundaries. It is centrally located on the edge of the city's downtown core. Wentworth Park is divided into two distinct sections by Bentinck Street, which creates a connection from the Sydney Waterfront District to either end of Wentworth Park. A playground for young children is located in the east section of the park.

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