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The Billboard Hot Latin Songs (formerly Hot Latin Tracks and Hot Latin 50) is a record chart in the United States for Latin songs, published weekly by Billboard magazine. Since October 2012, chart rankings are based on digital sales, radio airplay, and online streaming, and only predominantly Spanish language songs are allowed to rank. The chart was established by the magazine on September 6, 1986, and was originally based on airplay on Latin music radio stations. Songs on the chart were not necessarily in Spanish language, since a few songs in English and Portuguese language have also charted.
The first number one song of the Hot Latin Songs chart was "La Guirnalda" by Rocío Dúrcal on September 6, 1986. As of the issue for the week ending on September 3, 2022, the chart has had 451 different number one hits, while 181 artists have reached number one (as a lead or a featured act). The current number one song is "Me Porto Bonito" by Bad Bunny and Chencho Corleone.

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