Cops (stylized as COPS) is an American television documentary reality legal programming television series that is currently in its 34th season. It is produced by Langley Productions. It premiered on the Fox network on March 11, 1989. The series, known for chronicling the lives of police officers, follows city police officers and sheriff's deputies, sometimes backed up by state police or other state agencies, during patrol, calls for service, and other police activities including prostitution and narcotic stings, and occasionally the serving of search/arrest warrants at criminal residences. Some episodes have also featured federal agencies. The show assigns television camera crews to accompany police as they perform their duties. The show's formula follows the cinéma vérité convention, which does not consist of any narration, scripted dialogue or incidental music/added sound effects, depending entirely on the commentary of the officers and on the actions of the people with whom they come into contact, giving the audience a fly on the wall point of view. Each episode typically consists of three self-contained segments which often ended with one or more arrests.
It is one of the longest-running television shows in the United States and, in May 2011, it became the longest-running show on Fox (since then, its duration has been surpassed by the duration of The Simpsons). It also became the longest running live action series on Fox, after America's Most Wanted was canceled after 23 years (that show's host, John Walsh, also appeared on Cops many times). In 2013, the program moved to Spike TV, now known as Paramount Network.In late 2007, during the premiere of its 20th season, episodes of Cops began broadcasting in widescreen, though not in high definition. In June 2020, Paramount Network pulled the show from its schedule in response to George Floyd protests following his murder while in the custody of the Minneapolis Police Department, and announced its cancellation days later. The show remains in production for its international and overseas partners, and began to film anew in Spokane County, Washington, with its sheriff's department in October 2020. In September 2021, it was announced that Fox Nation picked up the show. The 33rd season premiered on October 1, 2021. The show's 34th season would premiere on September 30, 2022.
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