angel's show

Angel's Friends is an Italian comic series created by Simona Ferri that debuted in March 2007. On 12 October 2009, an animated series of the same name premiered on Italia 1. A second season of 52 episodes was announced in January 2011 and premiered in Russia on 29 April 2012.A television film, Angel's Friends – Tra Sogno e Realtà (Angel's Friends: Between Dream and Reality), premiered on 23 April 2011.In the United States, the show is available via NBC, syndication and many local stations air the program on their secondary subchannel service to fulfill FCC mandates (at least three hours of E/I related material per week). The second season, dubbed in English, French and Russian, has been uploaded to YouTube by Mondo TV in September 2014.A live-action adaptation of the animated series (either a TV series or a movie) is in talks. A teaser pilot titled Darkly was produced in 2016 by Play Entertainment and Mad Rocket Entertainment, adapted by Daniele Cosci and directed by Alessio Liguori, with Alessandro Danzi as Sulfus, Demetra Bellina as Raf and Denise Tantucci as Reina. The plot is aimed to an older audience and follows a darker storyline, where Raf and Sulfus are killed by Reina and reborn as humans without memories.

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