
576p is the shorthand name for a video display resolution. The p stands for progressive scan, i.e. non-interlaced, the 576 for a vertical resolution of 576 pixels (the frame rate can be given explicitly after the letter). Usually it corresponds to a digital video mode with a 4:3 anamorphic resolution of 720x576 and a frame rate of 25 frames per second (576p25), and thus using the same bandwidth and carrying the same amount of pixel data as 576i, but other resolutions and frame rates are possible.
ITU-R Recommendation BT.1358 allows the following resolutions, coded as R'G'B' or YCBCR, with timings compatible with BT.656:

1024 x 576p (16:9 square pixel format)
960 x 576p
768 x 576p (4:3 square pixel format)
720 x 576p (4:3 anamorphic)
704 x 576p (based on 720 x 576p, blanking the first and last 8 pixels of each line)
544 x 576p
480 x 576p
576p is considered standard definition for PAL regions. It can be transported by both major digital television formats (ATSC and DVB) and on DVD-Video (if limited to 25 fps). It is defined as a valid enhanced-definition television resolution in the SMPTE standard 344M. SMPTE 344M defines a 576p50 standard with twice the data rate of BT.601, using 704 × 576 active pixels with 16 x 576 horizontal blanking pixels.

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